Free 200+ AWS EC2 MCQ Questions and Answers HUGE Collection

Welcome to our extensive collection of AWS EC2 MCQ questions and answers! Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a fundamental and versatile service within Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It enables businesses and developers to run virtual servers, known as instances, on-demand, allowing them to quickly scale resources up or down as needed.

Our comprehensive question bank offers a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their knowledge of AWS EC2. Whether you’re preparing for an AWS certification exam, seeking to expand your cloud computing expertise, or aiming to optimize your usage of EC2 instances, these MCQs will prove invaluable.

These questions cover a wide array of EC2-related topics, from the basics of EC2 instances and storage options to advanced subjects like security, networking, monitoring, and integration with other AWS services. Each question is designed to challenge your understanding and facilitate your learning journey.

By engaging with these MCQs, you’ll not only test your knowledge but also gain a deeper insight into the intricacies of AWS EC2, helping you make informed decisions and excel in your cloud computing endeavors. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced AWS user, this question bank is an excellent resource to enhance your EC2 proficiency. So, dive in and explore the world of AWS EC2 with confidence!”

Chapter 1: Introduction to Amazon EC2 & Getting Started with EC2

  1. What does Amazon EC2 stand for?
    • A) Elastic Compute Cloud
    • B) Elastic Container Service
    • C) Elastic Database Service
    • D) Elastic Storage Service
  2. Which of the following is not a valid EC2 instance type?
    • A) t2.micro
    • B) m5.large
    • C) c4.xlarge
    • D) s3.medium
  3. In AWS, what are Availability Zones?
    • A) Geographic locations for data centers
    • B) Storage options for EC2 instances
    • C) Networking protocols
    • D) Billing cycles
  4. What is the primary factor affecting the pricing of EC2 instances?
    • A) Region
    • B) Instance type and size
    • C) Data transfer costs
    • D) Security groups
  5. How do you connect to an EC2 instance running a Linux operating system?
    • A) RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
    • B) SSH (Secure Shell)
    • C) VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
    • D) Telnet
  6. What is the purpose of a Key Pair in EC2?
    • A) It is used for billing and payment purposes
    • B) It is used to control access to EC2 instances
    • C) It is a type of instance store volume
    • D) It is a network security group
  7. What is an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in EC2?
    • A) A virtual network card that can be attached to an instance
    • B) A type of instance storage
    • C) A billing mechanism in AWS
    • D) A container for S3 objects
  8. Which of the following is not a valid storage option in EC2?
    • A) Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • B) Instance Store Volumes
    • C) Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • D) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  9. How many availability zones are typically found in an AWS region?
    • A) 1
    • B) 2
    • C) 3
    • D) 4
  10. What is the primary function of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?
    • A) To store user data and metadata
    • B) To provide an authentication mechanism for instances
    • C) To act as a template for creating EC2 instances
    • D) To manage network security groups
  11. How do you share a custom AMI with another AWS account?
    • A) By making the AMI public
    • B) By changing the region of the AMI
    • C) By specifying the AWS account IDs that can access it
    • D) By using the AMI as an ENI
  12. What is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in the context of EC2?
    • A) A dedicated server in the AWS cloud
    • B) A publicly accessible network for EC2 instances
    • C) A network boundary that isolates instances
    • D) A type of instance store volume
  13. What is a subnet in AWS VPC?
    • A) A public IP address associated with an EC2 instance
    • B) A logical division of an IP network within a VPC
    • C) A type of security group
    • D) A method for connecting to EC2 instances
  14. Which of the following is not a valid network security feature in EC2?
    • A) Key Pairs
    • B) Security Groups
    • C) Elastic Network Interfaces
    • D) Security Certificates
  15. What is the primary function of Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) in EC2?
    • A) To provide additional storage for EC2 instances
    • B) To balance network traffic across multiple instances
    • C) To manage IAM roles
    • D) To perform automatic instance backups
  16. Which AWS service is used to monitor the performance of EC2 instances?
    • A) Amazon CloudTrail
    • B) AWS CloudFormation
    • C) Amazon CloudWatch
    • D) AWS CodePipeline
  17. What does EC2 Auto Scaling do?
    • A) Automatically resizes EBS volumes
    • B) Automatically scales the number of instances based on demand
    • C) Manages IAM users and groups
    • D) Automates AMI creation
  18. What is the purpose of Instance Metadata in EC2?
    • A) To provide information about the instance to applications running on it
    • B) To store data in Amazon S3
    • C) To manage IAM roles
    • D) To encrypt data in transit
  19. What is Instance User Data in EC2 used for?
    • A) Information that can be used to configure an instance at launch
    • B) User credentials for connecting to an instance
    • C) A type of security group
    • D) A type of EBS volume
  20. Which AWS service allows you to automate the management of EC2 instances at scale?
    • A) AWS Lambda
    • B) AWS Step Functions
    • C) AWS Systems Manager
    • D) AWS Elastic Beanstalk


  1. A) Elastic Compute Cloud
  2. D) s3.medium
  3. A) Geographic locations for data centers
  4. B) Instance type and size
  5. B) SSH (Secure Shell)
  6. B) It is used to control access to EC2 instances
  7. A) A virtual network card that can be attached to an instance
  8. D) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  9. C) 3
  10. C) To act as a template for creating EC2 instances
  11. C) By specifying the AWS account IDs that can access it
  12. C) A network boundary that isolates instances
  13. B) A logical division of an IP network within a VPC
  14. D) Security Certificates
  15. B) To balance network traffic across multiple instances
  16. C) Amazon CloudWatch
  17. B) Automatically scales the number of instances based on demand
  18. A) To provide information about the instance to applications running on it
  19. A) Information that can be used to configure an instance at launch
  20. C) AWS Systems Manager

Chapter 2: EC2 Storage Options

  1. What is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) in EC2 primarily used for?
    • A) Storing data in S3
    • B) Providing a data warehouse service
    • C) Providing block-level storage volumes for EC2 instances
    • D) Creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
  2. What is the primary advantage of EBS over instance store volumes in EC2?
    • A) EBS volumes are faster.
    • B) EBS volumes are more cost-effective.
    • C) EBS volumes are automatically encrypted.
    • D) EBS volumes are persistent and can be detached and reattached to instances.
  3. What is an EBS snapshot in EC2?
    • A) A live copy of an EC2 instance
    • B) A point-in-time backup of an EBS volume
    • C) A virtual firewall for EC2 instances
    • D) A type of Amazon S3 object
  4. Which of the following EBS volume types provides the highest level of performance?
    • A) General Purpose (SSD)
    • B) Provisioned IOPS (SSD)
    • C) Magnetic
    • D) Cold HDD
  5. What is the primary use case for an EC2 instance store volume?
    • A) Storing data in S3
    • B) High-speed data processing and caching
    • C) Long-term data archival
    • D) Creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
  6. What happens to the data on an instance store volume if the associated EC2 instance is stopped or terminated?
    • A) The data is permanently lost.
    • B) The data is automatically moved to Amazon S3.
    • C) The data is encrypted and stored in the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
    • D) The data is backed up to EBS volumes.
  7. In EC2, what is the primary use case for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)?
    • A) Block storage for EC2 instances
    • B) Object storage for files and data
    • C) A relational database service
    • D) A container service for deploying applications
  8. Which of the following is not a feature of Amazon S3?
    • A) Data consistency model
    • B) Serverless computing
    • C) Data versioning
    • D) Data encryption at rest and in transit
  9. What is the primary benefit of Amazon S3’s data consistency model?
    • A) Strong consistency
    • B) Eventual consistency
    • C) Optimistic consistency
    • D) Causal consistency
  10. What type of data is Amazon S3 best suited for storing?
    • A) Structured, relational data
    • B) Large binary objects like images, videos, and backups
    • C) Small configuration files
    • D) Application source code
  11. What does AWS Snowball service provide for data transfer to and from Amazon S3?
    • A) A petabyte-scale data transfer appliance
    • B) A real-time data streaming service
    • C) A code deployment service
    • D) A cloud-based ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service
  12. Which AWS service can be used to automatically back up Amazon S3 objects to another AWS region?
    • A) AWS Snowball
    • B) Amazon Glacier
    • C) AWS DataSync
    • D) Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication
  13. What is Amazon S3’s server-side encryption used for?
    • A) To encrypt data in transit
    • B) To protect data from unauthorized access
    • C) To encrypt data at rest in Amazon S3
    • D) To encrypt data at rest in EC2 instances
  14. In Amazon S3, what is the purpose of a bucket policy?
    • A) To define the format of data stored in a bucket
    • B) To configure server-side encryption
    • C) To control access to objects within a bucket
    • D) To define the pricing of data storage in a bucket
  15. Which of the following is not a valid Amazon S3 storage class?
  16. What is Amazon S3 Select used for?
    • A) Selecting S3 buckets for data storage
    • B) Applying SQL-like queries to objects in S3
    • C) Selecting the most cost-effective storage class
    • D) Selecting the region for S3 data storage
  17. What AWS service is designed for high-speed, low-latency access to large datasets in Amazon S3?
    • A) AWS DataSync
    • B) AWS Storage Gateway
    • C) Amazon S3 Select
    • D) Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
  18. What is the primary advantage of Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration?
    • A) Data encryption at rest and in transit
    • B) Reduced data transfer costs
    • C) High-speed data transfer to and from S3
    • D) Data consistency model
  19. Which Amazon S3 storage class is designed for frequently accessed data with rapid retrieval times?
    • C) GLACIER
  20. What is the primary use case for Amazon Glacier?
    • A) Frequently accessed data storage
    • B) Long-term data archival and backup
    • C) Rapid data retrieval
    • D) Real-time data analytics


  1. C) Providing block-level storage volumes for EC2 instances
  2. D) EBS volumes are persistent and can be detached and reattached to instances
  3. B) A point-in-time backup of an EBS volume
  4. B) Provisioned IOPS (SSD)
  5. B) High-speed data processing and caching
  6. A) The data is permanently lost.
  7. B) Object storage for files and data
  8. B) Serverless computing
  9. A) Strong consistency
  10. B) Large binary objects like images, videos, and backups
  11. A) A petabyte-scale data transfer appliance
  12. D) Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication
  13. C) To encrypt data at rest in Amazon S3
  14. C) To control access to objects within a bucket
  16. B) Applying SQL-like queries to objects in S3
  17. D) Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
  18. C) High-speed data transfer to and from S3
  20. B) Long-term data archival and backup

Chapter 2: EC2 Storage Options (continued)

  1. What is the primary benefit of using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) in EC2?
    • A) High-performance block storage
    • B) Durable and scalable file storage that can be shared across multiple instances
    • C) Object storage for frequently accessed data
    • D) Cold storage for backups
  2. In Amazon EFS, what type of data consistency model does it provide?
    • A) Strong consistency
    • B) Eventual consistency
    • C) Optimistic consistency
    • D) Causal consistency
  3. What is AWS Storage Gateway used for in EC2 storage solutions?
    • A) A backup and disaster recovery service
    • B) A service to synchronize data between on-premises environments and the cloud
    • C) A service for real-time data analytics
    • D) A service for high-speed data transfer
  4. What is the primary use case for Amazon RDS in EC2 storage solutions?
    • A) Block storage for EC2 instances
    • B) A managed relational database service
    • C) A data warehousing service
    • D) Object storage for files and data
  5. What is the purpose of the Amazon Elastic Inference service in EC2?
    • A) A service for attaching additional Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes
    • B) A service for attaching network interfaces
    • C) A service for adding GPU acceleration to EC2 instances
    • D) A service for managing IAM roles
  6. In EC2, what is the primary use case for the Amazon FSx service?
    • A) A content delivery service
    • B) A managed file storage service
    • C) A service for provisioning additional virtual CPUs
    • D) A service for managing VPCs
  7. What is the primary benefit of Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering?
    • A) It provides real-time data analytics.
    • B) It automatically moves objects between different storage classes to optimize costs.
    • C) It offers high-speed data transfer to and from S3.
    • D) It provides strong data consistency.
  8. What is the primary use case for Amazon S3 One Zone-IA storage class?
    • A) Frequent data access with low latency
    • B) Long-term data archival with lower costs
    • C) Frequent data access with rapid retrieval
    • D) Backup and disaster recovery
  9. Which Amazon S3 storage class is designed for the fastest and most frequent data access?
    • B) GLACIER
  10. What is Amazon S3 Replication used for?
    • A) It replicates data to other cloud providers.
    • B) It replicates data between different S3 buckets within the same region.
    • C) It transfers data to AWS Snowball devices.
    • D) It encrypts data in transit.
  11. What is the primary use case for Amazon S3 Select with Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive retrieval options?
    • A) Frequent and real-time data access
    • B) Rapid retrieval of cold storage data
    • C) Data archival and backup
    • D) Long-term data analytics
  12. What is Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration used for?
    • A) Reducing data transfer costs between regions
    • B) Enhancing data consistency in Amazon S3
    • C) Speeding up data transfers to and from Amazon S3
    • D) Automatically encrypting data at rest and in transit
  13. What is the primary use case for Amazon S3 Inventory?
    • A) Real-time data analytics
    • B) Object versioning
    • C) Automated generation of reports about objects stored in S3
    • D) Data archiving
  14. What is AWS DataSync used for in EC2 storage solutions?
    • A) Transferring data to and from Amazon RDS
    • B) Transferring data to and from Amazon S3
    • C) Managing instance store volumes
    • D) Providing high-speed data access to Amazon EFS
  15. Which storage class in Amazon S3 is suitable for archiving data with retrieval times within a few minutes?
  16. What is Amazon S3 Replication used for in the context of EC2 storage solutions?
    • A) Replicating data between Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS volumes
    • B) Replicating data between different Amazon S3 buckets within the same region
    • C) Managing instance store volumes
    • D) Transferring data to and from on-premises environments
  17. Which service can be used to automatically back up Amazon EBS volumes and file systems in Amazon FSx to Amazon S3?
    • A) Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication
    • B) AWS Snowball
    • C) AWS Storage Gateway
    • D) Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
  18. What is the primary advantage of Amazon EFS over Amazon EBS for certain use cases?
    • A) EFS provides lower costs for storage.
    • B) EFS is easier to scale and can be shared across multiple instances.
    • C) EFS offers faster data transfer speeds.
    • D) EFS provides stronger encryption.
  19. Which of the following is not a storage class offered by Amazon S3?
  20. What is Amazon S3 Select with Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive retrieval options used for?
    • A) Real-time data analytics
    • B) Rapid retrieval of cold storage data
    • C) Data archiving and backup
    • D) Data synchronization between on-premises and AWS environments


  1. B) Durable and scalable file storage that can be shared across multiple instances
  2. A) Strong consistency
  3. B) A service to synchronize data between on-premises environments and the cloud
  4. B) A managed relational database service
  5. C) A service for adding GPU acceleration to EC2 instances
  6. B) A managed file storage service
  7. B) It automatically moves objects between different storage classes to optimize costs.
  8. D) Backup and disaster recovery
  10. B) It replicates data between different S3 buckets within the same region.
  11. B) Rapid retrieval of cold storage data
  12. C) Speeding up data transfers to and from Amazon S3
  13. C) Automated generation of reports about objects stored in S3
  14. B) Transferring data to and from Amazon S3
  16. B) Replicating data between different Amazon S3 buckets within the same region
  17. D) Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
  18. B) EFS is easier to scale and can be shared across multiple instances.
  20. B) Rapid retrieval of cold storage data

Chapter 3: Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)

  1. What is an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in AWS primarily used for?
    • A) Storing data in Amazon S3
    • B) Running containerized applications
    • C) Creating and launching virtual machine instances
    • D) Managing IAM roles
  2. What does an AMI contain in AWS?
    • A) User data scripts
    • B) A snapshot of an EC2 instance’s root volume
    • C) Encrypted data for secure storage
    • D) A Docker container image
  3. In AWS, can you create custom AMIs from existing EC2 instances?
    • A) Yes, it’s a common practice
    • B) No, AMIs are only provided by AWS
    • C) Yes, but only for Windows instances
    • D) Only if the instance is stopped
  4. What is the purpose of an Amazon EBS-backed AMI?
    • A) To launch EC2 instances with encrypted storage
    • B) To create custom AMIs with instance store volumes
    • C) To optimize data transfer costs in S3
    • D) To store data in Amazon RDS
  5. What is the difference between a public AMI and a private AMI in AWS?
    • A) Public AMIs are free, and private AMIs have additional costs.
    • B) Public AMIs are only available to specific AWS accounts.
    • C) Public AMIs are not accessible from the internet.
    • D) Public AMIs are created from instance snapshots.
  6. Which of the following is true regarding the permissions of a private AMI in AWS?
    • A) Private AMIs are accessible to any AWS account by default.
    • B) Private AMIs are only accessible to the AWS account that created them.
    • C) Private AMIs can be accessed by any AWS account with the AMI ID.
    • D) Private AMIs are publicly accessible to all AWS users.
  7. What is the main purpose of Amazon Elastic Inference in relation to AMIs?
    • A) Enabling EBS encryption for AMIs
    • B) Adding GPU acceleration to instances using AMIs
    • C) Creating custom AMIs
    • D) Managing Elastic Load Balancers
  8. How can you share a custom AMI with other AWS accounts?
    • A) By making it public
    • B) By specifying the AWS account IDs that can access it
    • C) By using IAM roles
    • D) By attaching it to an Elastic Network Interface
  9. What is the difference between an Amazon Linux AMI and an Amazon Linux 2 AMI?
    • A) Amazon Linux 2 is the latest version with longer support, while Amazon Linux is deprecated.
    • B) Amazon Linux 2 is a free AMI, while Amazon Linux is a paid AMI.
    • C) Amazon Linux is a 32-bit AMI, while Amazon Linux 2 is 64-bit.
    • D) There is no difference; they refer to the same AMI.
  10. What is the purpose of an AMI user data script?
    • A) To create custom AMIs
    • B) To configure settings on an EC2 instance at launch
    • C) To encrypt data in transit
    • D) To manage Elastic Load Balancers
  11. In AWS, how do you manage and create snapshots from EBS-backed AMIs?
    • A) Using Amazon S3
    • B) Using Amazon RDS
    • C) Using Amazon Elastic Inference
    • D) Using the Amazon EC2 Management Console
  12. What is the main benefit of using encrypted AMIs in EC2?
    • A) Improved performance of EC2 instances
    • B) Enhanced security and data protection
    • C) Lower data transfer costs
    • D) Reduced instance startup times
  13. What is an EC2 instance type and how is it related to AMIs?
    • A) An instance type determines the AMI region.
    • B) An instance type specifies the maximum AMI size.
    • C) An instance type defines the hardware of an EC2 instance, such as CPU, memory, and storage.
    • D) An instance type is a specific version of an AMI.
  14. What is the significance of the root device in the context of AMIs?
    • A) The root device is where user data is stored.
    • B) The root device is the device used to boot the instance.
    • C) The root device is a separate EBS volume attached to the instance.
    • D) The root device is the instance’s public IP address.
  15. What is the primary purpose of an AMI launch permission?
    • A) To grant or restrict access to an AMI for other AWS accounts
    • B) To launch an instance with a specific AMI
    • C) To create a snapshot of an EBS volume
    • D) To configure instance security groups
  16. What is an instance store-backed AMI in AWS?
    • A) An AMI with all data stored on Amazon S3
    • B) An AMI with a snapshot of the instance store volume
    • C) An AMI stored on an Amazon EBS volume
    • D) An AMI created by Amazon, not the user
  17. What is the primary function of Amazon Elastic Inference (EI) in the context of AMIs?
    • A) To add additional network interfaces to an instance
    • B) To provide extra memory to instances
    • C) To attach GPU resources to instances for AI and machine learning workloads
    • D) To configure Amazon RDS
  18. How can you copy an AMI from one AWS region to another?
    • A) By launching the AMI in the new region and creating a snapshot
    • B) By using the AWS DataSync service
    • C) By using the “Copy Image” feature in the Amazon EC2 Management Console
    • D) By downloading and re-uploading the AMI manually
  19. What is the primary use case for AWS License Manager in the context of AMIs?
    • A) To track and manage software licenses for AMIs
    • B) To create custom AMIs
    • C) To encrypt data in transit
    • D) To manage Elastic Load Balancers
  20. Which of the following is not a valid storage option for creating and storing AMIs?
    • A) Amazon S3
    • B) Amazon EBS
    • C) Amazon RDS
    • D) Instance store volumes


  1. C) Creating and launching virtual machine instances
  2. B) A snapshot of an EC2 instance’s root volume
  3. A) Yes, it’s a common practice
  4. B) To create custom AMIs with instance store volumes
  5. A) Public AMIs are free, and private AMIs have additional costs.
  6. B) Private AMIs are only accessible to the AWS account that created them.
  7. B) Adding GPU acceleration to instances using AMIs
  8. B) By specifying the AWS account IDs that can access it
  9. A) Amazon Linux 2 is the latest version with longer support, while Amazon Linux is deprecated.
  10. B) To configure settings on an EC2 instance at launch
  11. D) Using the Amazon EC2 Management Console
  12. B) Enhanced security and data protection
  13. C) An instance type defines the hardware of an EC2 instance, such as CPU, memory, and storage.
  14. B) The root device is the device used to boot the instance.
  15. A) To grant or restrict access to an AMI for other AWS accounts
  16. B) An AMI with a snapshot of the instance store volume
  17. C) To attach GPU resources to instances for AI and machine learning workloads
  18. C) By using the “Copy Image” feature in the Amazon EC2 Management Console
  19. A) To track and manage software licenses for AMIs
  20. C) Amazon RDS

Chapter 3: Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) (continued)

  1. What is the recommended way to back up custom AMIs in case of data loss or accidental deletion?
    • A) Use Amazon S3 versioning for AMIs.
    • B) Create snapshots of the associated EBS volumes.
    • C) Manually copy the AMI to another region.
    • D) Share the AMI with other AWS accounts.
  2. How can you ensure that an AMI is available across different AWS regions for disaster recovery or low-latency access?
    • A) By launching multiple instances of the same AMI in each region
    • B) By enabling automatic cross-region replication for the AMI
    • C) By using AWS DataSync to synchronize the AMI data
    • D) By making the AMI public and copying it to other regions
  3. What is the primary difference between an instance store-backed AMI and an EBS-backed AMI?
    • A) EBS-backed AMIs store data on Amazon S3, while instance store-backed AMIs use instance storage.
    • B) Instance store-backed AMIs are not recommended for production workloads.
    • C) EBS-backed AMIs are faster than instance store-backed AMIs.
    • D) Instance store-backed AMIs can only be used for Windows instances.
  4. How can you share a public AMI with other AWS accounts securely without making it completely public?
    • A) Create a snapshot of the public AMI and share the snapshot.
    • B) Use an IAM role to grant access to specific AWS accounts.
    • C) Use the Amazon S3 bucket where the AMI is stored to control access.
    • D) There is no way to share a public AMI with specific accounts; it’s either public or private.
  5. What is the primary advantage of using an Amazon Linux 2 AMI over an earlier version in terms of security and support?
    • A) Amazon Linux 2 offers more storage options.
    • B) Amazon Linux 2 includes long-term support and regular updates.
    • C) Amazon Linux 2 is always free, while earlier versions are not.
    • D) There is no difference in security between different versions of Amazon Linux AMIs.
  6. Which AWS service allows you to schedule automatic backups of your EC2 instances and create AMIs from those backups?
    • A) Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
    • B) AWS DataSync
    • C) Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
    • D) AWS License Manager
  7. What is the primary purpose of the AWS Systems Manager in relation to EC2 instances and AMIs?
    • A) To manage licenses for custom AMIs
    • B) To create and share public AMIs
    • C) To automate tasks, patch management, and maintenance of instances
    • D) To encrypt data in transit between instances
  8. How can you automate the creation of custom AMIs using AWS services to ensure consistency across instances?
    • A) Use the AWS CLI to manually create AMIs.
    • B) Write a user data script in the instance launch configuration.
    • C) Utilize AWS OpsWorks to manage instances and create AMIs.
    • D) Use AWS Lambda functions and EC2 instances with a regular schedule.
  9. In AWS, what is the primary role of the AWS License Manager in the context of EC2 instances and AMIs?
    • A) To track and manage software licenses and usage in EC2 instances
    • B) To create and maintain public AMIs
    • C) To automate backup and snapshot creation
    • D) To define security groups for EC2 instances
  10. Which AWS service is used to monitor and manage the performance of your AMIs and EC2 instances in real-time?
    • A) Amazon Inspector
    • B) Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
    • C) AWS Transfer Acceleration
    • D) Amazon Kinesis

Answers (continued):

  1. B) Create snapshots of the associated EBS volumes.
  2. B) By enabling automatic cross-region replication for the AMI
  3. B) Instance store-backed AMIs are not recommended for production workloads.
  4. A) Create a snapshot of the public AMI and share the snapshot.
  5. B) Amazon Linux 2 includes long-term support and regular updates.
  6. C) Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
  7. C) To automate tasks, patch management, and maintenance of instances
  8. D) Use AWS Lambda functions and EC2 instances with a regular schedule.
  9. A) To track and manage software licenses and usage in EC2 instances
  10. A) Amazon Inspector

Chapter 4: EC2 Security and Networking

  1. What is the primary purpose of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in the context of EC2 instances?
    • A) Storing data in Amazon S3
    • B) Managing IAM roles
    • C) Creating a virtual network for EC2 instances
    • D) Managing AMIs
  2. Which of the following is not a valid component of an Amazon VPC configuration in EC2?
    • A) Internet Gateway
    • B) Subnet
    • C) Security Group
    • D) IAM Role
  3. What is a Security Group in Amazon VPC used for?
    • A) Managing EC2 instances
    • B) Defining routing rules for network traffic
    • C) Filtering inbound and outbound traffic for EC2 instances
    • D) Enabling cross-region replication for data
  4. In Amazon VPC, what is an Elastic IP address used for?
    • A) Encrypting data at rest
    • B) Providing public IP addresses to EC2 instances
    • C) Managing Amazon RDS databases
    • D) Defining IAM roles for instances
  5. What is the purpose of Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) Controlling traffic between security groups
    • B) Managing VPN connections
    • C) Providing public IP addresses to instances
    • D) Acting as stateless network firewalls for subnets
  6. What does the term “Ephemeral Ports” refer to in the context of EC2 instances and networking?
    • A) Temporary ports that can be used for encrypted data transfer
    • B) Ports that can be allocated on-demand for EC2 instances
    • C) Ports that are only available in VPC peering connections
    • D) Ports used for routing within an Amazon VPC
  7. What is the primary function of a Network Load Balancer (NLB) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) Distributing traffic to multiple instances within a subnet
    • B) Providing encryption for data in transit
    • C) Managing DNS records for EC2 instances
    • D) Handling high volumes of network traffic and improving availability
  8. How is data traffic typically routed in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in EC2?
    • A) Through an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
    • B) Through an Internet Gateway (IGW)
    • C) Through a NAT Gateway (NAT GW)
    • D) Through a Direct Connect connection
  9. What is the purpose of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connection in EC2?
    • A) To connect VPCs from different AWS accounts
    • B) To establish a secure connection to on-premises data centers
    • C) To connect EC2 instances within the same VPC
    • D) To encrypt data in transit between instances
  10. What is the role of a Network ACL (NACL) in the security of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?
    • A) To control access to objects stored in Amazon S3
    • B) To filter network traffic at the subnet level
    • C) To manage IAM roles for instances
    • D) To distribute traffic evenly to EC2 instances
  11. What is the primary purpose of an Internet Gateway (IGW) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) To provide secure access to EC2 instances
    • B) To route traffic between VPCs
    • C) To enable communication between the VPC and the internet
    • D) To manage network security groups
  12. What is the key benefit of using a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS for EC2 instances?
    • A) Enhanced performance and speed of EC2 instances
    • B) Improved data encryption at rest
    • C) Greater control over network configuration and security
    • D) Lower data transfer costs
  13. What is the primary function of a Route Table in an Amazon VPC?
    • A) To allocate Elastic IP addresses
    • B) To define routing rules for network traffic within the VPC
    • C) To manage IAM roles for EC2 instances
    • D) To distribute traffic across multiple subnets
  14. How can you control inbound and outbound traffic for an EC2 instance within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?
    • A) By using an Internet Gateway (IGW)
    • B) By configuring a Network ACL (NACL)
    • C) By launching the instance in a subnet
    • D) By creating an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  15. What is a public subnet in Amazon VPC used for?
    • A) Storing data in Amazon S3
    • B) Hosting externally accessible resources, like web servers
    • C) Managing IAM roles for instances
    • D) Enabling cross-region replication for data
  16. What does Elastic Network Interface (ENI) stand for in the context of EC2 networking?
    • A) Elastic Network Interface for Instances
    • B) Encrypted Network Interface
    • C) External Network Interface
    • D) Ephemeral Network Interface
  17. In Amazon VPC, what is the purpose of a Network Load Balancer (NLB)?
    • A) To balance traffic between different VPCs
    • B) To encrypt data at rest
    • C) To distribute traffic evenly to EC2 instances within a VPC
    • D) To manage IAM roles for EC2 instances
  18. What is a Route 53 in Amazon Web Services?
    • A) A load balancer for EC2 instances
    • B) A managed relational database service
    • C) A scalable domain name system (DNS) web service
    • D) A subnet within an Amazon VPC
  19. What does the term “Ephemeral Storage” refer to in the context of EC2 instances?
    • A) Temporary storage that is attached to the instance and lost when the instance is stopped or terminated
    • B) Long-term, persistent storage used for data backups
    • C) A secure storage solution for IAM roles
    • D) Encrypted storage for Amazon RDS databases
  20. What is the purpose of a Direct Connect connection in Amazon VPC?
    • A) To create a secure VPN connection to on-premises data centers
    • B) To encrypt data in transit between EC2 instances
    • C) To manage public IP addresses for instances
    • D) To route traffic between VPCs

Answers (continued):

  1. C) Creating a virtual network for EC2 instances
  2. D) IAM Role
  3. C) Filtering inbound and outbound traffic for EC2 instances
  4. B) Providing public IP addresses to EC2 instances
  5. D) Acting as stateless network firewalls for subnets
  6. B) Ports that can be allocated on-demand for EC2 instances
  7. D) Handling high volumes of network traffic and improving availability
  8. B) Through an Internet Gateway (IGW)
  9. A) To connect VPCs from different AWS accounts
  10. B) To filter network traffic at the subnet level
  11. C) To enable communication between the VPC and the internet
  12. C) Greater control over network configuration and security
  13. B) To define routing rules for network traffic within the VPC
  14. B) By configuring a Network ACL (NACL)
  15. B) Hosting externally accessible resources, like web servers
  16. A) Elastic Network Interface for Instances
  17. C) To distribute traffic evenly to EC2 instances within a VPC
  18. C) A scalable domain name system (DNS) web service
  19. A) Temporary storage that is attached to the instance and lost when the instance is stopped or terminated
  20. A) To create a secure VPN connection to on-premises data centers

Chapter 4: EC2 Security and Networking (continued)

  1. What is the purpose of a Security Group in Amazon VPC?
    • A) To distribute traffic to multiple EC2 instances
    • B) To configure routing for network traffic
    • C) To manage IAM roles for instances
    • D) To control inbound and outbound traffic to and from instances
  2. In Amazon VPC, what does a subnet represent?
    • A) A geographic location of EC2 instances
    • B) A logical partition of the VPC’s IP address range
    • C) A public IP address for EC2 instances
    • D) A type of EC2 instance
  3. What is a VPC peering connection in Amazon VPC used for?
    • A) To establish a secure connection between on-premises data centers and the VPC
    • B) To connect multiple VPCs within the same AWS account
    • C) To automatically scale EC2 instances
    • D) To enable encryption for data in transit
  4. What is the primary role of a Network Access Control List (NACL) in Amazon VPC security?
    • A) To manage access to S3 buckets
    • B) To filter network traffic at the subnet level
    • C) To control the creation of custom AMIs
    • D) To define routing rules for EC2 instances
  5. In Amazon VPC, what does an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) represent?
    • A) A public IP address for an EC2 instance
    • B) A virtual network interface for an EC2 instance
    • C) A separate VPC for private resources
    • D) A security group for an instance
  6. What is the primary purpose of a Route Table in Amazon VPC?
    • A) To define the size of an EC2 instance
    • B) To route network traffic within the VPC
    • C) To encrypt data in transit
    • D) To create IAM roles for instances
  7. What is the main function of an Internet Gateway (IGW) in Amazon VPC networking?
    • A) To manage IAM roles for instances
    • B) To filter traffic between security groups
    • C) To route traffic between the VPC and the internet
    • D) To control access to S3 buckets
  8. What does a public subnet in Amazon VPC typically have that a private subnet does not?
    • A) Access to the internet through an Internet Gateway (IGW)
    • B) Greater security provided by Network ACLs
    • C) Strong encryption for data at rest
    • D) Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs)
  9. What is the primary benefit of using a Network Load Balancer (NLB) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) Providing encryption for data at rest
    • B) Managing DNS records for EC2 instances
    • C) Distributing traffic evenly to multiple EC2 instances
    • D) Offering cross-region replication for data
  10. What is the main purpose of a Direct Connect connection in Amazon VPC networking?
    • A) To route traffic between VPCs
    • B) To create a secure VPN connection to on-premises data centers
    • C) To encrypt data at rest
    • D) To balance traffic between security groups
  11. What does the term “Ephemeral Ports” refer to in the context of EC2 instances and networking?
    • A) Temporary ports for encrypted data transfer
    • B) Ports that are always allocated for EC2 instances
    • C) Ports used for routing between VPCs
    • D) Ports that can be used for a short time and then released
  12. What is the primary function of a Network Access Control List (NACL) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) Controlling access to RDS databases
    • B) Managing network security groups
    • C) Filtering inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level
    • D) Balancing traffic across multiple subnets
  13. What is the purpose of Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) in EC2 instances?
    • A) To provide public IP addresses to instances
    • B) To encrypt data in transit
    • C) To create Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)
    • D) To enable networking and security features for instances
  14. What is the role of a Network Load Balancer (NLB) in Amazon VPC?
    • A) To encrypt data at rest
    • B) To manage DNS records for instances
    • C) To balance traffic between EC2 instances within a VPC
    • D) To define IAM roles for instances
  15. In Amazon VPC, what is the purpose of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connection?
    • A) To connect VPCs from different AWS accounts
    • B) To establish a secure VPN connection to on-premises data centers
    • C) To connect EC2 instances within the same VPC
    • D) To route traffic between VPCs
  16. What is the significance of the default security group in Amazon VPC?
    • A) It allows all inbound traffic and denies all outbound traffic by default.
    • B) It denies all inbound and outbound traffic by default.
    • C) It enforces strict IAM policies for instances.
    • D) It automatically routes traffic between VPCs.
  17. How can you control inbound and outbound traffic for EC2 instances within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?
    • A) By using an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
    • B) By configuring a Network Access Control List (NACL)
    • C) By setting the instance type during launch
    • D) By creating an Internet Gateway (IGW)
  18. What is a VPN Gateway in Amazon VPC used for?
    • A) To create a secure VPN connection between on-premises data centers and the VPC
    • B) To provide public IP addresses to EC2 instances
    • C) To route traffic between subnets within the same VPC
    • D) To manage security groups for EC2 instances
  19. What is the primary role of a Route Table in Amazon VPC networking?
    • A) To define routing rules for network traffic within the VPC
    • B) To control access to S3 buckets
    • C) To create AMIs from EC2 instances
    • D) To manage IAM roles for instances
  20. What does a private subnet in Amazon VPC typically lack that a public subnet has?
    • A) Public IP addresses
    • B) Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
    • C) Network Load Balancers (NLBs)
    • D) Direct Connect connections

Answers (continued):

  1. D) To control inbound and outbound traffic to and from instances
  2. B) A logical partition of the VPC’s IP address range
  3. B) To connect multiple VPCs within the same AWS account
  4. B) To filter network traffic at the subnet level
  5. B) A virtual network interface for an EC2 instance
  6. B) To route network traffic within the VPC
  7. C) To route traffic between the VPC and the internet
  8. A) Access to the internet through an Internet Gateway (IGW)
  9. C) Distributing traffic evenly to multiple EC2 instances
  10. B) To create a secure VPN connection to on-premises data centers
  11. D) Ports that can be used for a short time and then released
  12. C) Filtering inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level
  13. D) To enable networking and security features for instances
  14. C) To balance traffic between EC2 instances within a VPC
  15. A) To connect VPCs from different AWS accounts
  16. A) It allows all inbound traffic and denies all outbound traffic by default.
  17. B) By configuring a Network Access Control List (NACL)
  18. A) To create a secure VPN connection between on-premises data centers and the VPC
  19. A) To define routing rules for network traffic within the VPC
  20. A) Public IP addresses

Chapter 5: EC2 Auto Scaling and Load Balancing

  1. What is the primary purpose of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in AWS?
    • A) Managing IAM roles for EC2 instances
    • B) Automatically adjusting the number of EC2 instances based on traffic
    • C) Providing public IP addresses to instances
    • D) Encrypting data at rest
  2. What is the primary benefit of using Auto Scaling in AWS?
    • A) Improved data transfer costs
    • B) Enhanced security for instances
    • C) Maintaining high availability and performance
    • D) Efficient storage of data in Amazon S3
  3. What is the minimum and maximum number of instances you can specify in an Auto Scaling group in AWS?
    • A) Minimum 1, maximum 10
    • B) Minimum 2, maximum 100
    • C) Minimum 0, maximum 500
    • D) Minimum 5, maximum 1000
  4. What is a launch configuration in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling used for?
    • A) To specify the instance type and image for Auto Scaling instances
    • B) To define routing rules for network traffic
    • C) To create IAM roles for EC2 instances
    • D) To manage data in Amazon RDS
  5. What is a scaling policy in Auto Scaling used for?
    • A) To configure network access for instances
    • B) To manage IAM roles for Auto Scaling groups
    • C) To define how Auto Scaling adds or removes instances based on conditions
    • D) To create custom AMIs
  6. What is the main purpose of a target tracking scaling policy in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) To randomly add or remove instances from the group
    • B) To maintain a fixed number of instances regardless of traffic
    • C) To scale based on a specific target metric, such as CPU utilization
    • D) To encrypt data in transit between instances
  7. What does a step scaling policy in Auto Scaling allow you to do?
    • A) To set a constant number of instances in the group
    • B) To dynamically add or remove instances based on predefined steps
    • C) To specify IAM roles for instances
    • D) To route traffic to instances evenly
  8. What is an Auto Scaling cooldown period used for?
    • A) To disable Auto Scaling temporarily
    • B) To define routing rules for network traffic
    • C) To delay the scaling actions after a previous one has completed
    • D) To encrypt data at rest on the instances
  9. What is a load balancer’s role in an Auto Scaling group?
    • A) To manage network security groups for instances
    • B) To distribute traffic evenly across instances in the group
    • C) To create custom AMIs
    • D) To configure data encryption for instances
  10. Which of the following is a type of load balancer in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
    • B) Network Access Control List (NACL)
    • C) Network Interface (ENI)
    • D) Network Route Table
  11. What is the main function of a Network Load Balancer (NLB) in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) To distribute traffic evenly to EC2 instances
    • B) To create IAM roles for instances
    • C) To encrypt data in transit
    • D) To add or remove instances automatically
  12. What is the key benefit of using an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) Load balancing at the transport layer
    • B) Enhanced security for instances
    • C) Load balancing at the application layer with features like content-based routing
    • D) Managing IAM roles for Auto Scaling groups
  13. How does an Auto Scaling group determine when to scale in (remove instances)?
    • A) By defining a scaling policy with fixed scaling
    • B) By analyzing the DNS records of the load balancer
    • C) By monitoring the instances and applying scaling policies
    • D) By manually removing instances through the AWS Management Console
  14. What is a target group used for in the context of load balancers and Auto Scaling?
    • A) To manage public IP addresses for instances
    • B) To route traffic based on specific criteria to a set of instances
    • C) To configure Network ACLs
    • D) To create custom AMIs
  15. What is the primary function of a listener in an Application Load Balancer (ALB)?
    • A) To manage network security groups for instances
    • B) To encrypt data in transit
    • C) To configure the load balancer’s rules for routing traffic
    • D) To specify the instance type for Auto Scaling groups
  16. What is a load balancer’s role in Auto Scaling groups when it comes to distributing traffic?
    • A) To provide public IP addresses to instances
    • B) To manage the DNS records of the instances
    • C) To distribute incoming traffic evenly across instances
    • D) To configure Network ACLs for the instances
  17. What is a health check in the context of a load balancer and Auto Scaling group?
    • A) A check to see if the instances are launched using the correct AMI
    • B) A check to see if the instances have the required IAM roles
    • C) A periodic check to ensure instances are healthy and can handle traffic
    • D) A check to verify the data encryption status of the instances
  18. What is the purpose of a launch template in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) To create custom AMIs for the Auto Scaling group
    • B) To specify the instance type, image, and other launch parameters
    • C) To define routing rules for network traffic
    • D) To set up DNS records for instances
  19. How does Auto Scaling ensure that instances are launched across multiple Availability Zones for high availability?
    • A) By manually specifying the Availability Zones for each instance
    • B) By configuring a multi-region launch template
    • C) By evenly distributing instances across Availability Zones
    • D) By encrypting data in transit between instances
  20. What is the primary benefit of using Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) in conjunction with Auto Scaling?
    • A) Improved data transfer costs
    • B) Enhanced security for instances
    • C) Distributing traffic evenly and providing high availability
    • D) Efficient storage of data in Amazon S3

Answers (continued):

  1. B) Automatically adjusting the number of EC2 instances based on traffic
  2. C) Maintaining high availability and performance
  3. D) Minimum 5, maximum 1000
  4. A) To specify the instance type and image for Auto Scaling instances
  5. C) To define how Auto Scaling adds or removes instances based on conditions
  6. C) To scale based on a specific target metric, such as CPU utilization
  7. B) To dynamically add or remove instances based on predefined steps
  8. C) To delay the scaling actions after a previous one has completed
  9. B) To distribute traffic evenly across instances in the group
  10. A) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
  11. A) To distribute traffic evenly to EC2 instances
  12. C) Load balancing at the application layer with features like content-based routing
  13. C) By monitoring the instances and applying scaling policies
  14. B) To route traffic based on specific criteria to a set of instances
  15. C) To configure the load balancer’s rules for routing traffic
  16. C) To distribute incoming traffic evenly across instances
  17. C) A periodic check to ensure instances are healthy and can handle traffic
  18. B) To specify the instance type, image, and other launch parameters
  19. C) By evenly distributing instances across Availability Zones
  20. C) Distributing traffic evenly and providing high availability

Chapter 5: EC2 Auto Scaling and Load Balancing (continued)

  1. What is the role of a load balancer when distributing traffic in an Auto Scaling group?
    • A) Managing security groups for instances
    • B) Controlling IAM roles for instances
    • C) Distributing incoming traffic evenly across instances
    • D) Specifying launch configurations
  2. Which type of Auto Scaling policy increases the desired capacity of an Auto Scaling group based on a specified metric and target value?
    • A) Step scaling policy
    • B) Simple scaling policy
    • C) Target tracking scaling policy
    • D) Manual scaling policy
  3. What is the significance of the cooldown period in Auto Scaling policies?
    • A) It is a period during which Auto Scaling is temporarily disabled.
    • B) It specifies the time it takes for instances to warm up.
    • C) It sets the maximum number of instances in the group.
    • D) It defines the scaling criteria for instances.
  4. What is the purpose of an Auto Scaling group in AWS?
    • A) To manage custom AMIs
    • B) To distribute traffic evenly across instances
    • C) To automatically launch and terminate EC2 instances based on policies
    • D) To create IAM roles for EC2 instances
  5. What is the main benefit of using an Application Load Balancer (ALB) compared to a Classic Load Balancer (CLB)?
    • A) ALB is less expensive.
    • B) ALB offers content-based routing for requests.
    • C) ALB can handle TCP traffic more efficiently.
    • D) ALB is suitable for non-web services.
  6. In AWS Auto Scaling, what is the purpose of a “desired capacity” for an Auto Scaling group?
    • A) To specify the maximum number of instances in the group
    • B) To determine the number of instances to maintain, even during scaling events
    • C) To set the minimum number of instances in the group
    • D) To specify the instance type for new instances
  7. What does the term “scaling out” refer to in the context of Auto Scaling?
    • A) Increasing the number of instances in the Auto Scaling group
    • B) Adding new AMIs to the group
    • C) Configuring network access for instances
    • D) Reducing the desired capacity of the group
  8. What is the role of a load balancer in the context of Auto Scaling and high availability?
    • A) To route traffic to instances, ensuring even distribution
    • B) To provide public IP addresses for instances
    • C) To define routing rules for network traffic
    • D) To manage security groups for instances
  9. What is the purpose of a load balancer’s health check in Auto Scaling?
    • A) To verify if instances are using the correct AMI
    • B) To monitor the DNS records of instances
    • C) To ensure instances are healthy and can handle traffic
    • D) To check data encryption status on instances
  10. What is a “capacity provider” in the context of AWS Fargate and Auto Scaling?
    • A) A way to manage custom AMIs
    • B) A feature for specifying launch configurations
    • C) A resource used to run containers
    • D) A type of Auto Scaling policy
  11. What does a “step adjustment” in a step scaling policy of Auto Scaling specify?
    • A) The maximum number of instances to add during scaling out
    • B) The number of steps required to launch new instances
    • C) The scaling factor used to adjust the capacity
    • D) The minimum number of instances to keep running
  12. What is a launch configuration in the context of AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) A list of scaling policies
    • B) A set of IAM roles for instances
    • C) A specification for launching EC2 instances
    • D) A group of security groups for instances
  13. What is the role of a “target group” in Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) To manage security groups for instances
    • B) To route traffic based on specific criteria to a set of instances
    • C) To specify the instance type for new instances
    • D) To create custom AMIs
  14. How does Auto Scaling handle the termination of instances within an Auto Scaling group?
    • A) It terminates the oldest instances.
    • B) It randomly selects instances to terminate.
    • C) It terminates the most recently launched instances.
    • D) It terminates instances with the lowest CPU utilization.
  15. What is the primary function of a listener in Application Load Balancer (ALB) in Auto Scaling?
    • A) To provide public IP addresses for instances
    • B) To specify the launch configuration for instances
    • C) To configure the rules for routing incoming traffic
    • D) To balance traffic evenly across instances
  16. What does the “capacity provider” concept in AWS Fargate aim to address in Auto Scaling?
    • A) Managing launch templates
    • B) Scaling EC2 instances
    • C) Providing a way to manage resources for containers
    • D) Controlling data encryption for instances
  17. What is the purpose of a launch template in Auto Scaling?
    • A) To manage security groups for instances
    • B) To specify the instance type, image, and other launch parameters
    • C) To define routing rules for network traffic
    • D) To create custom AMIs for instances
  18. What does it mean when an Auto Scaling group has a “desired capacity” of 0?
    • A) All instances in the group have been terminated.
    • B) All instances in the group are healthy.
    • C) No scaling events are allowed.
    • D) All instances are in cooldown.
  19. In Auto Scaling, what happens when a scaling policy is triggered to “scale out”?
    • A) Instances are added to the group.
    • B) Instances are removed from the group.
    • C) A load balancer is created.
    • D) Cooldown is applied.
  20. What is the role of a “scaling plan” in AWS Auto Scaling?
    • A) To specify security group rules for instances
    • B) To define IAM roles for Auto Scaling groups
    • C) To create custom AMIs
    • D) To automate the scaling of resources based on expected usage

Answers (continued):

  1. C) Distributing incoming traffic evenly across instances
  2. C) Target tracking scaling policy
  3. B) It specifies the time it takes for instances to warm up.
  4. C) To automatically launch and terminate EC2 instances based on policies
  5. B) ALB offers content-based routing for requests.
  6. B) To determine the number of instances to maintain, even during scaling events
  7. A) Increasing the number of instances in the Auto Scaling group
  8. A) To route traffic to instances, ensuring even distribution
  9. C) To ensure instances are healthy and can handle traffic
  10. C) A resource used to run containers
  11. C) The scaling factor used to adjust the capacity
  12. C) A specification for launching EC2 instances
  13. B) To route traffic based on specific criteria to a set of instances
  14. B) It randomly selects instances to terminate.
  15. C) To configure the rules for routing incoming traffic
  16. C) Providing a way to manage resources for containers
  17. B) To specify the instance type, image, and other launch parameters
  18. A) All instances in the group have been terminated.
  19. A) Instances are added to the group.
  20. D) To automate the scaling of resources based on expected usage

Chapter 6: Monitoring and Management

  1. What is Amazon CloudWatch used for in the context of Amazon EC2 instances?
    • A) Creating virtual private clouds
    • B) Monitoring and managing resources and applications
    • C) Managing IAM roles for instances
    • D) Defining launch configurations
  2. Which Amazon service allows you to monitor and collect metrics on your EC2 instances and other AWS resources?
    • A) Amazon S3
    • B) Amazon RDS
    • C) Amazon CloudWatch
    • D) Amazon DynamoDB
  3. What is the main function of Amazon CloudWatch Alarms?
    • A) To trigger Auto Scaling events
    • B) To encrypt data at rest
    • C) To configure network access for instances
    • D) To create custom AMIs
  4. Which of the following is a valid use case for Amazon CloudWatch Logs?
    • A) Creating virtual private clouds
    • B) Storing Amazon S3 data
    • C) Centralized log management and analysis
    • D) Defining launch configurations
  5. What is an Amazon CloudWatch Metric?
    • A) A physical server in an Availability Zone
    • B) A namespace used for defining IAM roles
    • C) A time-ordered set of data points
    • D) A type of Amazon EC2 instance
  6. What does the term “Custom Metric” refer to in Amazon CloudWatch?
    • A) Metrics that are only available in the AWS Management Console
    • B) Metrics created by users to monitor specific application data
    • C) Metrics for monitoring EC2 instance status
    • D) Metrics used for billing purposes
  7. What is the role of a “Dimension” in Amazon CloudWatch Metrics?
    • A) To create custom AMIs
    • B) To specify the instance type for EC2 instances
    • C) To add additional data to a metric for more detailed analysis
    • D) To configure network access for instances
  8. Which Amazon service is used to collect, monitor, and automatically react to changes in the performance of your EC2 instances?
    • A) Amazon RDS
    • B) AWS Config
    • C) Amazon CloudWatch
    • D) AWS Lambda
  9. What is the primary function of Amazon CloudWatch Alarms in relation to EC2 instances?
    • A) To define IAM roles for instances
    • B) To encrypt data at rest
    • C) To trigger actions based on defined thresholds for metrics
    • D) To configure network access for instances
  10. What is the purpose of a “Composite Alarm” in Amazon CloudWatch?
    • A) To combine multiple CloudWatch Metrics into a single metric
    • B) To manage security groups for EC2 instances
    • C) To provide public IP addresses to instances
    • D) To define launch configurations for EC2 instances
  11. What is the main function of Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights?
    • A) To provide public IP addresses to instances
    • B) To analyze and query log data in CloudWatch Logs
    • C) To create custom AMIs for EC2 instances
    • D) To trigger Auto Scaling events
  12. What does the term “Retention Period” refer to in Amazon CloudWatch Logs?
    • A) The time period during which EC2 instances are monitored
    • B) The duration for which log data is retained
    • C) The frequency of data points in CloudWatch Metrics
    • D) The number of IAM roles created for instances
  13. Which of the following actions can you configure Amazon CloudWatch Alarms to perform?
    • A) Deleting Amazon S3 buckets
    • B) Automatically scaling EC2 instances
    • C) Encrypting data at rest
    • D) Defining launch configurations
  14. What is the purpose of a “Dashboard” in Amazon CloudWatch?
    • A) To create virtual private clouds
    • B) To store log data in Amazon S3
    • C) To monitor and visualize CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms
    • D) To configure network access for instances
  15. Which AWS service allows you to automate responses to predefined CloudWatch Alarms?
    • A) AWS Lambda
    • B) Amazon S3
    • C) Amazon RDS
    • D) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  16. What is the main use of Amazon CloudWatch Contributor Insights?
    • A) To create custom AMIs for EC2 instances
    • B) To identify patterns and insights within your log data
    • C) To trigger Auto Scaling events
    • D) To manage IAM roles for instances
  17. What is the primary purpose of AWS CloudTrail in the context of EC2 instances?
    • A) Monitoring and managing resources and applications
    • B) Managing IAM roles for instances
    • C) Storing log data in Amazon S3
    • D) Encrypting data at rest
  18. What is an “Event” in AWS CloudTrail?
    • A) A physical server in an Availability Zone
    • B) A time-ordered set of data points
    • C) A record of actions taken on AWS resources in your account
    • D) A custom metric in CloudWatch
  19. What is the role of a “Trail” in AWS CloudTrail?
    • A) To create virtual private clouds
    • B) To define launch configurations for EC2 instances
    • C) To provide public IP addresses to instances
    • D) To record AWS API calls and related events
  20. How can you use AWS Config in relation to EC2 instances?
    • A) To trigger Auto Scaling events
    • B) To store log data in Amazon S3
    • C) To record and evaluate configurations of your resources, including EC2 instances
    • D) To define IAM roles for instances

Answers (continued):

  1. B) Monitoring and managing resources and applications
  2. C) Amazon CloudWatch
  3. A) To trigger Auto Scaling events
  4. C) Centralized log management and analysis
  5. C) A time-ordered set of data points
  6. B) Metrics created by users to monitor specific application data
  7. C) To add additional data to a metric for more detailed analysis
  8. C) Amazon CloudWatch
  9. C) To trigger actions based on defined thresholds for metrics
  10. A) To combine multiple CloudWatch Metrics into a single metric
  11. B) To analyze and query log data in CloudWatch Logs
  12. B) The duration for which log data is retained
  13. B) Automatically scaling EC2 instances
  14. C) To monitor and visualize CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms
  15. A) AWS Lambda
  16. B) To identify patterns and insights within your log data
  17. D) Encrypting data at rest
  18. C) A record of actions taken on AWS resources in your account
  19. D) To record AWS API calls and related events
  20. C) To record and evaluate configurations of your resources, including EC2 instances

Chapter 7: Advanced EC2 Topics

  1. What is the primary advantage of using Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts?
    • A) Lower cost compared to regular EC2 instances
    • B) Improved network performance
    • C) Increased control over instance placement
    • D) Access to unlimited resources
  2. What is an EC2 Dedicated Host used for?
    • A) Running multiple instances on shared hardware
    • B) Hosting a single instance on dedicated hardware
    • C) Providing public IP addresses for instances
    • D) Creating custom AMIs
  3. In the context of EC2, what is an “Instance Store” or “Ephemeral Storage”?
    • A) A network-attached storage volume
    • B) A storage option that is deleted when an instance is terminated
    • C) A type of Amazon RDS instance
    • D) A durable storage solution
  4. What is an EC2 Spot Instance primarily designed for?
    • A) Long-term, uninterrupted workloads
    • B) Bursting workloads with predictable traffic
    • C) Short-term, cost-effective workloads
    • D) Running critical, production applications
  5. What is the billing model for EC2 Spot Instances?
    • A) Hourly, with a minimum commitment
    • B) Pay-as-you-go, with no upfront costs
    • C) Free, with certain usage limitations
    • D) Flat monthly fee, regardless of usage
  6. What is an EC2 Spot Fleet used for?
    • A) Managing Elastic Load Balancers
    • B) Automatically provisioning a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances
    • C) Providing a public IP address to an instance
    • D) Creating custom security groups
  7. What is an EC2 Hibernation feature used for?
    • A) Automatically shutting down idle instances
    • B) Reducing the cost of running instances
    • C) Pausing instances, saving their state, and resuming later
    • D) Enabling multi-factor authentication for instances
  8. In the context of EC2, what does “Placement Groups” refer to?
    • A) Groups used for billing purposes
    • B) A set of security groups for instances
    • C) Strategies for launching instances close to each other for lower latency
    • D) Groups used to classify instances based on their performance
  9. What is an EC2 Launch Template used for?
    • A) To define IAM roles for instances
    • B) To store launch configurations for Auto Scaling groups
    • C) To specify launch parameters for EC2 instances
    • D) To manage Elastic Load Balancers
  10. Which EC2 instance type is optimized for compute-intensive workloads, such as data analytics and machine learning?
    • A) T3
    • B) R5
    • C) M5
    • D) C5
  11. What is the primary advantage of using EC2 Auto Recovery?
    • A) Reducing the cost of running instances
    • B) Automatically recovering instances in case of system failures
    • C) Increasing network performance
    • D) Automatically scaling instances based on traffic
  12. What is the purpose of EC2 Instance Metadata?
    • A) Storing instance-specific data
    • B) Providing public IP addresses for instances
    • C) Providing information about an instance and its environment
    • D) Managing IAM roles for instances
  13. What is an EC2 Fleet used for?
    • A) Managing Elastic Load Balancers
    • B) Automatically provisioning a combination of On-Demand and Reserved Instances
    • C) Providing a public IP address to an instance
    • D) Creating custom security groups
  14. What is the primary use case for Amazon Elastic Inference in EC2 instances?
    • A) Running memory-intensive workloads
    • B) Accelerating machine learning inference
    • C) Managing storage for instances
    • D) Providing load balancing for instances
  15. What is the Amazon EC2 Instance Connect service used for?
    • A) Configuring instance launch templates
    • B) Managing security groups for instances
    • C) Enabling SSH access to instances without a key pair
    • D) Storing instance-specific data
  16. What is Amazon EC2 Image Builder used for?
    • A) Managing network security groups for instances
    • B) Creating and maintaining custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
    • C) Providing public IP addresses to instances
    • D) Monitoring instances for compliance with IAM policies
  17. In the context of EC2, what is “Elastic GPU” used for?
    • A) Managing Elastic Load Balancers
    • B) Providing a public IP address to an instance
    • C) Adding graphics acceleration to instances
    • D) Defining launch configurations for instances
  18. What is “Nitro” in the context of EC2 instance types?
    • A) A family of instance types optimized for storage
    • B) A family of instance types with enhanced network performance
    • C) A new generation of hypervisors and hardware offload components
    • D) A billing model for EC2 instances
  19. What is the primary benefit of using the “Run Command” feature in EC2?
    • A) Monitoring instances for compliance with IAM policies
    • B) Enabling SSH access to instances
    • C) Remotely managing and executing commands on instances
    • D) Providing a public IP address to an instance
  20. What is the primary use case for using EC2 Bare Metal instances?
    • A) Running general-purpose workloads
    • B) Hosting virtualized environments
    • C) Running memory-intensive workloads
    • D) Hosting legacy applications

Answers (continued):

  1. C) Increased control over instance placement
  2. B) Hosting a single instance on dedicated hardware
  3. B) A storage option that is deleted when an instance is terminated
  4. C) Short-term, cost-effective workloads
  5. B) Pay-as-you-go, with no upfront costs
  6. B) Automatically provisioning a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances
  7. C) Pausing instances, saving their state, and resuming later
  8. C) Strategies for launching instances close to each other for lower latency
  9. C) To specify launch parameters for EC2 instances
  10. B) R5
  11. B) Automatically recovering instances in case of system failures
  12. C) Providing information about an instance and its environment
  13. B) Automatically provisioning a combination of On-Demand and Reserved Instances
  14. B) Accelerating machine learning inference
  15. C) Enabling SSH access to instances without a key pair
  16. B) Creating and maintaining custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
  17. C) Adding graphics acceleration to instances
  18. C) A new generation of hypervisors and hardware offload components
  19. C) Remotely managing and executing commands on instances
  20. B) Hosting virtualized environments

Chapter 8: Use Cases and Best Practices

  1. What is a common use case for Amazon EC2 in a development and test environment?
    • A) Running production workloads
    • B) Hosting web applications
    • C) Cost-effective testing and development of applications
    • D) Data analytics and machine learning
  2. Which EC2 instance type is best suited for applications requiring a high level of computational power, such as rendering and simulations?
    • A) T3
    • B) M5
    • C) P3
    • D) C5
  3. What is an appropriate use case for Amazon EC2 On-Demand Instances?
    • A) Short-term batch processing
    • B) Steady-state, predictable workloads
    • C) Workloads with variable usage patterns
    • D) Long-term reserved workloads
  4. In the context of EC2 instances, what is a common best practice for optimizing cost and performance?
    • A) Always use On-Demand Instances
    • B) Overprovision instances to handle peak loads
    • C) Choose the right instance type based on workload characteristics
    • D) Manually manage all application updates
  5. What is the primary advantage of using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling for web applications?
    • A) Static, fixed capacity
    • B) Dynamic scaling based on traffic
    • C) Load balancing at the application layer
    • D) Long-term reserved instances
  6. Which AWS service can help manage and optimize your EC2 instance costs automatically by stopping or hibernating idle instances?
    • A) AWS Budgets
    • B) Amazon RDS
    • C) AWS Config
    • D) AWS Cost Explorer
  7. What is the primary benefit of using Amazon Elastic Inference with EC2 instances for machine learning workloads?
    • A) Lowering the cost of EC2 instances
    • B) Improving network performance
    • C) Adding GPU acceleration for inference without overprovisioning
    • D) Providing public IP addresses to instances
  8. What is an appropriate use case for Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts?
    • A) Bursting workloads with unpredictable traffic
    • B) Hosting a single instance on dedicated hardware
    • C) Running development and test environments
    • D) Managing security groups for instances
  9. In the context of EC2, what does “Instance Store” (Ephemeral Storage) offer that is not available in Amazon EBS volumes?
    • A) Durability of data
    • B) High availability of data
    • C) Local, temporary storage for instances
    • D) Automatic data encryption
  10. When should you use Amazon EC2 Spot Instances for cost savings?
    • A) For long-running, uninterrupted workloads
    • B) For workloads that cannot tolerate interruptions
    • C) For workloads with flexible start and end times
    • D) For running production databases
  11. What is a recommended practice to ensure high availability and fault tolerance for your EC2 applications?
    • A) Running all instances in a single Availability Zone
    • B) Distributing instances across multiple Availability Zones
    • C) Manually configuring load balancing for all instances
    • D) Using only On-Demand Instances
  12. What is the primary benefit of using Amazon EC2 Fleet?
    • A) It simplifies the creation of custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
    • B) It allows you to run instances on dedicated hosts.
    • C) It helps you automatically provision a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances.
    • D) It provides load balancing for EC2 instances.
  13. When is the use of EC2 On-Demand Instances the most cost-effective option?
    • A) For short-term batch processing workloads
    • B) For workloads with predictable, steady-state traffic
    • C) For variable, unpredictable workloads
    • D) For long-term reserved workloads
  14. What are some key considerations when selecting the appropriate EC2 instance type for a workload?
    • A) The instance type with the lowest hourly cost
    • B) The instance type with the most memory and CPU
    • C) Workload characteristics, such as CPU, memory, storage, and network requirements
    • D) Always choosing the largest instance type
  15. Which AWS service is commonly used to monitor, manage, and optimize EC2 instance costs by automating actions like stopping idle instances?
    • A) AWS CloudFormation
    • B) Amazon RDS
    • C) AWS Auto Scaling
    • D) AWS Trusted Advisor
  16. What is the primary advantage of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying web applications on EC2 instances?
    • A) Fine-grained control over infrastructure
    • B) Automatic provisioning and management of the underlying infrastructure
    • C) Access to low-level EC2 instance details
    • D) Static, manual deployment processes
  17. When is using Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances the most cost-effective option for your workloads?
    • A) For highly variable and unpredictable workloads
    • B) For workloads with stable, long-term usage
    • C) For workloads that require GPU acceleration
    • D) For short-term batch processing
  18. In the context of Amazon EC2, what is a common best practice for optimizing security?
    • A) Expose all instances to the public internet
    • B) Avoid using security groups
    • C) Use security groups and network ACLs to restrict traffic
    • D) Rely solely on IAM roles for security
  19. What is the primary advantage of using AWS Systems Manager for EC2 instances?
    • A) Managing billing and cost optimization
    • B) Managing IAM roles for instances
    • C) Automating tasks such as patch management, software installation, and configuration
    • D) Providing public IP addresses to instances
  20. In what use case would Amazon EC2 Spot Instances be most suitable?
    • A) Real-time, latency-sensitive workloads
    • B) Steady-state, long-term workloads
    • C) Short-term, cost-efficient workloads with flexible start and end times
    • D) High-availability databases

Answers (continued):

  1. C) Cost-effective testing and development of applications
  2. C) P3
  3. B) Steady-state, predictable workloads
  4. C) Choose the right instance type based on workload characteristics
  5. B) Dynamic scaling based on traffic
  6. A) AWS Budgets
  7. C) Adding GPU acceleration for inference without overprovisioning
  8. B) Hosting a single instance on dedicated hardware
  9. C) Local, temporary storage for instances
  10. C) For workloads with flexible start and end times
  11. B) Distributing instances across multiple Availability Zones
  12. C) It helps you automatically provision a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances.
  13. B) For workloads with predictable, steady-state traffic
  14. C) Workload characteristics, such as CPU, memory, storage, and network requirements
  15. D) AWS Trusted Advisor
  16. B) Automatic provisioning and management of the underlying infrastructure
  17. B) For workloads with stable, long-term usage
  18. C) Use security groups and network ACLs to restrict traffic
  19. C) Automating tasks such as patch management, software installation, and configuration
  20. C) Short-term, cost-efficient workloads with flexible start and end times

Chapter 9: Troubleshooting and Maintenance

  1. When troubleshooting issues with Amazon EC2 instances, what is the first step you should take?
    • A) Terminate the instance and launch a new one
    • B) Check the status of the instance in the AWS Management Console
    • C) Disable CloudWatch Alarms to avoid unnecessary notifications
    • D) Reboot the instance to resolve all issues
  2. What is the primary purpose of the Amazon EC2 Instance Console Output?
    • A) To control the instance’s power state
    • B) To view system logs and instance console output
    • C) To install and manage applications on the instance
    • D) To configure security groups for the instance
  3. If an EC2 instance fails to launch, what is a common troubleshooting step?
    • A) Create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    • B) Check the system log or console output for error messages
    • C) Modify the instance type
    • D) Increase the number of Elastic IP addresses
  4. What does it mean if an EC2 instance is in a “terminated” state?
    • A) The instance is stopped but can be restarted.
    • B) The instance is fully operational.
    • C) The instance has been permanently deleted.
    • D) The instance is paused but can be resumed.
  5. If you cannot connect to an EC2 instance using SSH or RDP, what could be a potential issue to check?
    • A) The instance is using an incorrect IAM role.
    • B) Security group rules are blocking incoming traffic on the required port.
    • C) The instance is using an unsupported instance type.
    • D) The instance is not properly configured in the AWS Management Console.
  6. What is the purpose of the “Recovery” option in EC2 Auto Scaling?
    • A) To create a snapshot of the instance’s data
    • B) To recover an instance that has been terminated by replacing it
    • C) To increase the number of instances in the Auto Scaling group
    • D) To reboot the instance in case of issues
  7. When encountering high CPU utilization on an EC2 instance, what is a common troubleshooting step to identify the cause?
    • A) Terminate the instance and launch a new one
    • B) Reboot the instance
    • C) Check CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms for CPU usage patterns
    • D) Disable auto-recovery for the instance
  8. If an EC2 instance is unresponsive or has a high load average, what is a potential troubleshooting step to regain control?
    • A) Perform a soft reboot of the instance
    • B) Forcefully terminate the instance
    • C) Create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    • D) Enable placement groups for the instance
  9. What is a common best practice for troubleshooting network connectivity issues with EC2 instances?
    • A) Disable security groups to allow all traffic
    • B) Use network ACLs for all instances
    • C) Review security group and network ACL rules for incoming and outgoing traffic
    • D) Reboot the instance to reset network configurations
  10. What is the primary purpose of Amazon EC2 Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) in troubleshooting and maintenance?
    • A) To control the instance’s power state
    • B) To view system logs and instance console output
    • C) To manage network interfaces for EC2 instances
    • D) To configure security groups for the instance
  11. When an EC2 instance is unreachable, what AWS service can help you determine if the instance is running and responding to network traffic?
    • A) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • B) AWS CloudTrail
    • C) Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • D) AWS Systems Manager
  12. What does it mean when an EC2 instance status check reports “impaired” status?
    • A) The instance is fully operational.
    • B) The instance is experiencing an issue with one or more underlying resources.
    • C) The instance is unreachable and must be terminated.
    • D) The instance is paused but can be resumed.
  13. When troubleshooting EC2 instance performance issues, what AWS service provides insights into the application’s behavior and dependencies?
    • A) AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    • B) AWS X-Ray
    • C) AWS Budgets
    • D) AWS Auto Scaling
  14. What is the purpose of the “Reset Password” option in AWS Systems Manager for EC2 instances?
    • A) To create a snapshot of the instance’s data
    • B) To change the instance’s IAM role
    • C) To reset the local administrator password for Windows instances
    • D) To reset the SSH key pair for Linux instances
  15. When an EC2 instance becomes unreachable due to a security group misconfiguration, what is a recommended troubleshooting step?
    • A) Modify the instance type
    • B) Create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    • C) Check the security group rules and update them as needed
    • D) Reboot the instance
  16. If you encounter issues with EC2 instances running in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), what is a potential troubleshooting step?
    • A) Create a new IAM role for the instances
    • B) Check the VPC’s route table and network ACL settings
    • C) Increase the number of Elastic IP addresses
    • D) Terminate the instances and launch new ones
  17. What is the primary purpose of the “Instance State Change” Amazon CloudWatch Alarm metric in troubleshooting and maintenance?
    • A) To monitor CPU utilization
    • B) To alert on changes in instance power state
    • C) To analyze application logs
    • D) To check the status of the instance console output
  18. What is the role of AWS Systems Manager in troubleshooting and maintaining EC2 instances?
    • A) Managing IAM roles for instances
    • B) Automating tasks such as patch management and software installation
    • C) Monitoring network traffic
    • D) Creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
  19. If you suspect that an EC2 instance is experiencing high memory utilization, what is a recommended troubleshooting step?
    • A) Enable placement groups for the instance
    • B) Terminate the instance and launch a new one
    • C) Check CloudWatch Metrics for memory usage patterns
    • D) Forcefully terminate the instance
  20. What is a common best practice for troubleshooting storage issues on EC2 instances using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)?
    • A) Terminate the instance and launch a new one
    • B) Use a single EBS volume for all storage needs
    • C) Monitor and review CloudWatch Metrics for EBS volumes
    • D) Disable all CloudWatch Alarms for EBS volumes

Answers (continued):

  1. B) Check the status of the instance in the AWS Management Console
  2. B) To view system logs and instance console output
  3. B) Check the system log or console output for error messages
  4. C) The instance has been permanently deleted.
  5. B) Security group rules are blocking incoming traffic on the required port.
  6. B) To recover an instance that has been terminated by replacing it
  7. C) Check CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms for CPU usage patterns
  8. A) Perform a soft reboot of the instance
  9. C) Review security group and network ACL rules for incoming and outgoing traffic
  10. C) To manage network interfaces for EC2 instances
  11. D) AWS Systems Manager
  12. B) The instance is experiencing an issue with one or more underlying resources.
  13. B) AWS X-Ray
  14. C) To reset the local administrator password for Windows instances
  15. C) Check the security group rules and update them as needed
  16. B) Check the VPC’s route table and network ACL settings
  17. B) To alert on changes in instance power state
  18. B) Automating tasks such as patch management and software installation
  19. C) Check CloudWatch Metrics for memory usage patterns
  20. C) Monitor and review CloudWatch Metrics for EBS volumes

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